Cisco Advanced IP Next-Generation Network Architecture Specialization

The Cisco IP Next-Generation Network (IP NGN) Architecture Specialization proves expertise in the IP NGN architecture, from sales to support.

Specialization Requirements

Three roles are required to attain the Cisco Advanced IP NGN Architecture Specialization. They include:

  • Account Manager (AM)
  • Architecture Systems Engineer (SE)
  • Field Engineer

Account Manager

Prerequisites: !

Cisco Career Certification Recommended Training Exam

Advanced IP NGN Architecture Account Manager

!Основы организации продаж Cisco (версия 5.0) (CSE)

Advanced IP NGN Architecture Sales (PANGNS, 650-752)

Selling the IP NGN Architecture

Role Sharing Guidelines:
One qualified individual, may fill only the account manager role in up to a total of 2 technology specializations.

Architecture Systems Engineer

Prerequisites: CCNA Service Provider (CCNA SP) OR Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert Service Provider (CCIESP Service Provider) (alternate option)

Cisco Career Certification Recommended Training Exam

Advanced IP NGN Architecture Systems Engineer

Selling the IP NGN Architecture

Advanced IP NGN Architecture Systems Engineer (PANGNSE, 650-754)

IP NGN Architecture Technology

Role Sharing Guidelines:
One qualified individual may fill only the architecture systems engineer role in up to two architecture specializations.

Field Engineer

Prerequisites: CCNA Service Provider (CCNA SP) AND Focused Professional Level Certification
Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert Service Provider (CCIESP Service Provider) (alternate option)

Cisco Career Certification Recommended Training Exam

Advanced IP NGN Architecture Field Engineer

IP NGN Architecture Technology

Advanced IP NGN Architecture Field Engineer (PANGNFE, 650-756)

Role Sharing Guidelines:
The individual fulfilling the IP NGN field engineer role cannot fulfill roles in other architecture specializations (Collaboration, Borderless Network, or Data Center). Role sharing in technology specializations has no impact on architecture specializations.